eISSN: 2719-9665
ISSN: 2719-5139
Physiotherapy Review
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vol. 26
Research paper

The influence of a single core muscle workout on the level of static and dynamic balance in adults using the Sigma Balance Platform and the Y-Balance Platform

Patryk Ciężarek
Grzegorz Frankowski
Małgorzata Kulesa- Mrowiecka
Joanna Zyznawska
Anna Dębowska
Marta Bojanowska
Kinga Słojewska

  1. Doctoral School in Medical and Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum, Poland
  2. Physiotherapy Institute, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Research, Physiotherapy Review, 2022, 26(1), 78-91
Online publish date: 2022/03/27
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- nr_1_2021_9.pdf  [0.81 MB]
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