eISSN: 2719-9665
ISSN: 2719-5139
Physiotherapy Review
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vol. 27

Research from low-income and middle-income countries will benefit global health and the physiotherapy profession, but it requires support

Saurab Sharma
Arianne Verhagen
Mark Elkins
Jean-Michel Brismée
George D. Fulk
Jakub Taradaj
Lois Steen
Alan Jette
Ann Moore
Aimee Stewart
Barbara J. Hoogenboom
Anne Söderlund
Michele Harms
Rafael Zambelli Pinto

  1. School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia and Centre for Pain IMPACT, Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, Australia; saurabsharma1@gmail.com
  2. International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors; Arianne.Verhagen@uts.edu.au
  3. ournal of Physiotherapy; mark.elkins@sydney.edu.au
  4. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy; jm.brismee@ttuhsc.edu
  5. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy; jnpt@emory.edu
  6. Physiotherapy Review; jakub.taradaj@kif.info.pl
  7. Fysioterapi (Swedish Physiotherapy Journal); Lois.Steen@fysioterapeuterna.se
  8. PTJ: Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal; alanmjette@gmail.com
  9. Musculoskeletal Science & Practice; A.P.Moore@brighton.ac.uk
  10. South African Journal of Physiotherapy; Aimee.Stewart@wits.ac.za
  11. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy; hoogenbb@gvsu.edu
  12. European Journal of Physiotherapy; anne.soderlund@mdu.se
  13. Physiotherapy; michele.harms@outlook.com
  14. International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors and Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy; rafaelzambelli@gmail.com
Editorial, Physiotherapy Review, 2023, 27(3), 5-12
Online publish date: 2023/09/22
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