eISSN: 2719-9665
ISSN: 2719-5139
Physiotherapy Review
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vol. 24
Original paper

Physiotherapy in a patient with bruxism symptoms - case study.

Bernadeta PIWOWAR
Grzegorz MAŃKO
4, 5

  1. Absolwentka studiów I stopnia, kierunek Fizjoterapia, IF WNZ UJCM, Kraków
  2. Zakład Fizjoterapii, IF WNZ UJCM, Kraków
  3. Zakład Fizjologii Medycznej IF WNZ UJCM, Kraków
  4. Zakład Biomechaniki i Kinezjologii IF WNZ UJCM, Kraków
  5. Ośrodek Rehabilitacji Narządu Ruchu ,,Krzeszowice” SP ZOZ
Online publish date: 2021/01/26
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Bruxism is a disease that occurs during sleep and wakefulness. Its etiology is not fully understood. Characteristic symptoms include increased muscle tone within the chewing muscles, neck and torso, tinnitus, pathological clash and teeth clenching. Aim: The aim of the study was to create and to assess an effectiveness of physiotherapeutic management plan based on relaxation of overstrained muscles.

Case study
In the study was described conservative proceedings on a 22-years old patient with bruxism. During the functional diagnosis, it was noticed that patient had hypomobility of right temporomandibular joint, horizontal reduction of peripheral structures, deep bite, hypodontia and undershot bite. The subject complained about increased tension within the chewing muscles, neck and torso and frequent headaches after waking up, tinnitus, pathological clash and teeth clenching as well.

The therapy focused on relaxation chewing muscles, neck or torso with the usage of trigger points therapy and stretching exercises. Before therapy there were made: examination of jaw mobility, manual functional analysis of temporomandibular joints, postural analysis according to Langlade, examination of head and neck muscles according to Festy.

Relaxation and the tenderness in the chewing, neck and torso muscles decreased were achieved. Tinnitus completely stopped, headaches frequency decreased, but the therapy did not significantly affect the teeth clenching.

The conservative therapy applied including treatment of trigger points and stretching the muscles of the masticatory system and neck seems to be an effective form of treatment for the most of bruxism symptoms.


bruxism, trigger points therapy, relaxation exercises

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