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vol. 28 abstract:
Original paper
Locomotor skills of visually impaired students compared to non-disabled students: cross-sectional study
Wiktoria Bandura
Karolina Grzyb
Antonino Patti
Research, Physiotherapy Review, 2024, 28(2), 43-53
Online publish date: 2024/06/27
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Most available publications assessing locomotor skills (LS) and comparing results between visually impaired (VI) and non-disabled peers focus on quantitative evaluation, often neglecting qualitative aspects. Qualitative assessment of motor skills in children with visual impairments can provide valuable insights into their development. Further research is needed to better understand the quality of motor development in this group and to tailor appropriate therapeutic strategies. Aim The aim of this study was to compare the LS of students with VI to those of non-disabled peers and to evaluate the impact of selected factors on LS levels in the compared groups. Material and methods The study was conducted in March 2022 at the Róża Czacka School and Education Center for Blind Children in Laski as part of the research project "Assessment of Locomotor Skills in Children and Youth with Visual Impairments." The study included 47 primary school students: 26 blind and 21 partially sighted, aged 7-17, along with 85 non-disabled students from three primary schools in Warsaw. The Test of Gross Motor Development-3 (TGMD3) battery was used, specifically the "Locomotion" subtest comprising six movement tasks. Results No correlation was found between parameters such as height, body weight, age, and gender with the total points scored in the test. Significant differences were observed in the results of the TGMD-3 "Locomotion" subtest when comparing VI and non-disabled individuals. Conclusions The level of LS mastery in children and adolescents with VI appears to be independent of gender, age, and basic body parameters. Lack of or significant limitation in visual experiences affects the process of mastering basic LS, making regular assessments essential for the development of rehabilitation programs to address existing deficits. The TGMD-3 battery provides crucial information about the current level of basic locomotor skills necessary for independent daily functioning in VI individuals. The analysis of these results can help develop strategies to support motor development in this group of children and adolescents with disabilities. keywords:
motor development, visually impaired, blind, visual dysfunction, locomotor skills, TGMD-3 |