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Physiotherapy Review
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vol. 28
Original paper

Effectiveness of microkinesitherapy session on psychological well-being among community-dwelling adults – a pilot study

Sebastian Rutkowski
Władysław Batkiewicz
Renata Batkiewicz
Henryk Racheniuk
Bartosz Radosz
Paweł Jakubiec
Daniel Grosjean

  1. Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Opole University of Technology, Opole, Poland
  2. Private Practice Renata i Władysław Batkiewicz, Zabrze, Poland
  3. Center for Effective Rehabilitation REHARADOSZ, Żory, Poland
  4. Physiotherapy Practice Paweł Jakubiec, Cracow, Poland
  5. Dorothée, Grosjean-Lefèbvre, Nilvange, France
Physiotherapy Review, 2024, 28(1), 33-43
Online publish date: 2024/03/26
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