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vol. 26 abstract:
Research paper
Benefits of innovative Exopulse Mollii full-body electric garment intervention on lower limb strength, gait speed, lower back pain, quality of life, and fatigue in a female with multiple sclerosis – a case study
Marcin Kacper Uszynski
Catherine McCarron
Physiotherapy Review, 2022, 26(4), 49-55
Online publish date: 2022/12/24
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Individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) experience a variety of neurological deficits that affect their mobility, muscle tone, sensation, and reduce their quality of life. A full-body electric garment using Exopulse Mollii device may be an innovative treatment method for symptoms management in MS. Aims This study aimed to investigate non-invasive Exopulse Mollii intervention on muscle strength, gait, pain, quality of life, and fatigue in a female patient with MS. Material and methods Verbal consent was obtained. Frequency and duration of treatment: 60 minutes, 3 times a week, for a month. Stimulation parameters: pulse width 25-175 microseconds, constant frequency current of 20 Hertz. Standardized outcome measures: Five Times Sit to Stand Test (5xSTS), Timed Up and Go Test (TUG), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29), and Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS). Data were recorded at baseline (T1) and 1 month later (T2). Results No side effects were reported. Compliance was 100%. Post-treatment changes were 5xSTS: 7.9 sec; TUG: 9.1 sec; VAS for pain 6 points; MSIS-29 total 29 points; MFIS total: 32 points. This patient has moved from being clinically fatigued to non-clinically fatigued within 1 month of therapy. Conclusions This intervention was successful and well tolerated by the patient. This single case study reported improvements across all used measures. Further studies, including pilot and randomized control trials, are warranted to investigate this promising method. keywords:
multiple sclerosis, electrical stimulation, sensory based device, advanced technology, Exopulse Mollii garment |